Saturday, March 19, 2011

What Make You Happy?

What make you happy???
What happy is all about?
Does the all people have the same definition of happiness?

Defination of happiness from Mr. Wikepedia.
Happiness is a mental state of well-being characterized by positive emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy.[1] A variety of biological, psychological, religious, and philosophical approaches have striven to define happiness and identify its sources.

So, happiness is something that subjective. There is no absolute definition. What make you happy might not work for others. After all, it's all about how we perceive our life. What we want.

For most of people, the value/definition of happiness change over the time.So again, happiness is not absolute.

A poor father will be happy if his children can enter university and get the scroll of degree even in the eyes of others the degree alone will not guarantee to get a good job.

A new graduate student feel excited and happy after finally there is company that willing to hire him/her.

A girls will be happy when a man,her long life lover ask her for marriage.

A leader of country will happy when get votes in election and can lead the country for the next term. He happy to serve rakyat again.

An imam in the mosque surely will happy when he see the number of people that attend the jamaah prayer in mosque increases. He knows this means people's awareness has increased and Islam is main priority in people life.

What Make me Happy?
For me, i am feel very happy when people around me happy.Ya,can't you believe that?



I feel very happy when a friend told me happy story like when they get a new job and find their love.

Last few days,a friend of mine buy the new car, a Proton Perdana V6. He was soo happy. He was telling me to buy that car long time ago an finally make it reality. The thing that make me happy is because he has nothing much in his life. He was born in poor family and because of poverty, he never finish the school, i mean the proper education. He only learn religious matters in 'pondok'. Because of his family background, he knows nobody will respect him. That's why when he got a chance to but the Perdana, he feel so happy because he think by that way people will respect him.

Even i disagree with his way to buy that exclusive car with the intention to show off, but still appreciate and respect his feeling to be happy with that.He has the right to feel happy.

Why? Because I know, If you have nothing, nobody will cares of you.

For most of time, as the life goes on, i start to release a lot of things. Happiness is not something you can touch. People can take photo of their own, showing their smiling face and put it of Facebook. When friends look to this picture, they think she/he is happy. However, that's not true. Yes at the time the picture is captured but at the time when friends see the picture, it might turn different.

Happiness is something that we chase. When we get what we want, we start looking other things to chase or make us happy. That's the way life works.

Anyway, remember this quote.

There is no real happiness in this life until the death is coming

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