Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Searching for happiness?

I read this article few days ago and I really like it.i posted it only important point and Just want to share with all of you.

“Look, you have pain, you don’t like it and you’re afraid of it, yet you hold onto it! You have to learn to let it go because you are not in control anyway.”

“Do I hold onto the pain?”

Can I do that I wondered.

“And it’s not just your own pain; you also have to feel the pain of others.”

“Mine is more than enough!” I declared, almost laughing. “More than enough!”

When you feel the pain of others it helps you to bear your own.”


“Well, look what’s happening now. You’re telling me how you feel; don’t you
feel better having done that?”

“Yes, actually I do,” I said in deep thought.

“And as I listen to you, I feel calmer and I feel less pain. We benefit each other.”

“Do you feel pain too?”

“Everyone feels pain.”

“Life is so hard.”

“Oh, come on. Don’t forget that everything has two sides. For all the marvelous emotions that can fill our being there is also darker emotions. You can never appreciate beauty, truth or joy without having experienced their opposites. If we only experience beauty and happiness, we would be angels! But remember Almighty Allah says that the righteous human being is higher than the angels – so feel your pain, enjoy it and grow through it!”

I closed my eyes and let the waves of pain wash over me. I didn’t resist them. I waited. They passed. I opened my eyes. There was calmness.

“So what did you learn?” she asked.

“I survived it. It passed. Everything changes.”

“Yes, accept change and accept yourself. It’s the only way you can start to build.”

I felt stronger. The pain had edged its way into the background, and left me with a sense of clarity-- tranquility.

“Where did you learn all this?” I asked. “Is there a book I should read?” As if anything could be so easy.

“No,” she laughed. “Allah the Almighty puts His signs in the universe all around us. Anyone can see them and understand them, even if he can not read!

It is up to us to comprehend the messages He sends to us and learn from them, or situation is repeated situations until we understand. Our ability to do this depends on the state of our heart.

"If you look back at your life, and compare yourself in the past with how you are right now, you will surely see many changes and developments. You are not the same person you were ten years ago. Try to remember the signs you had along the way. Try to remember what guided you,” she explained.

I could remember.

Change is a part of life, don’t resist it. Learn to ride out whatever happens, and know that joy is contained in and around hardships.”

“Tell me about your life,” I asked her. “What was the changing point in your life?”

"There have been many really. I learned that helping others always brings about something positive.”

“Please explain.”

“Well, if someone comes to you with a problem that is counted as negative. Then you try to help them, comfort them, and support them then that is counted as positive.

“But won’t the negative of that person counteract your positive?”

“Remember what you've learned about Math at school? A negative and a positive make a what?”

“A positive!”

“Yes. And a positive and a negative make a positive, and a positive and a positive make a positive…

“Yes, only a negative and a negative make a negative,” I realized.

That’s why we should always return evil – a negative – with goodness – a positive, then the whole thing will transform into something positive. Isn’t life amazing?”

Just think about it.....

::Tuesday,April 21,2009

Friday, April 17, 2009

Methodologi Cinta Sejati

Entah kenapa hari ini saya agak kejiwangan. Mahu pula mengepostkan entri berkisar tentang cinta lelaki dan perempuan. Jarang sekali saya memikirkan soal cinta, bukan mahu menolak fitrah manusia tapi menyedari banyak perkara lain yang terpaksa saya fikirkan sebelum betul-betul serious mahu memikirkan soal teman hidup.

Banyak benda yang saya perlu pertimbangkan sebelum betul-betul mahu mencari teman hidup. Soal keluarga, Ibu, adik-adik yang masih belajar dan yang paling penting tentulah tentang diri saya yang saya rasa masih kekurangan banyak ilmu agama yang perlu ditimba. Berkahwin atas dasar cinta memang mudah tapi tanggungjwab yang akan dipikul kelak bukanlah sesuatu yang perlu diambil remeh. Sudah banyak cerita di akhbar-akhbar yang menunjukkan perkahwinan atas dasar cinta SAHAJA tidak akan kekal lama tanpa dipenuhi dengan rasa tanggungjawab kepada pasangan masing-masing.Rasa tanggungjwab ini hanya akan muncul jika kita betul-betul menghayati ajaran islam.

Saya bukanlah bercakap kosong, tapi sejarah keluarga saya telah memberi saya banyak ikhtibar dan pesanan yang perkahwinan itu bukanlah satu benda yang main-main.Ia tentang taggungjawab. Ia lebih kepada MEMBERI bukannya MENERIMA.

Pun begitu, saya tidak dapat menafikan pernah juga menaruh perasaan pada wanita. Malah ada beberapa rakan sekelas yang sudah dapat mengesyaki niat saya itu .Saya seperti biasa hanya tersenyum lebar( ada orang kata senyum saya menarik? ye ke?), tidak megeyakan dan tidak pula menidakkan.

Untuk renungan bersama, saya selitkan cerita berkisara tentang cinta (diambil di sini)

Cinta adakalanya tidak perlu dilafazkan...

Ikuti kisah dalam sebuah cerita...

Sepasang suami isteri berjalan di tepi sebuah tasik yang indah. Kemudian mereka berhenti di sebuah bangku yang disediakan di tepi tasik. Kemudian si isteri bertanya kepada si suami. Ini dialog mereka;

Isteri : Mengapa abang menyukai saya? Mengapa abang cintakan saya?

Suami : Abang tidak boleh menerangkan sebabnya, namun begitu abang memang menyayangi dan mencintai Sayang!

Isteri : Abang tak boleh terangkan sebabnya? Bagaimana abang boleh katakan abang sayang dan cintakan saya sedangkan abang tidak boleh menerangkannya.

Suami : Betul! Abang tak tahu sebabnya tetapi abang boleh buktikan bahawa abang memang cintakan Sayang!

Isteri : Tak boleh beri bukti! Tidak! Saya hendak abang terangkan kepada saya sebabnya. Kawan-kawan saya yang lain yang mempunyai suami dan teman lelaki, semuanya tahu menerangkan mengapa mereka mencintai. Dalam bentuk puisi dan syair lagi. Namun begitu abang tidak boleh terangkan sebabnya.

Si suami menarik nafas panjang dan dia berkata: "Baiklah! Abang mencintai Sayang sebab sayang cantik, mempunyai suara yang merdu, penyayang dan mengingati abang selalu. Abang juga sukakan senyuman manis dan setiap tapak Sayang melangkah, di situlah cinta Abang bersama Sayang!"

Si isteri tersenyum dan berpuas hati dengan penerangan suaminya tadi. Namun begitu selang beberapa hari si isteri mengalami kemalangan dan koma.

Si suami amat bersedih dan menulis sepucuk surat kepada isterinya yang disayangi.
Surat itu diletakkan di sebelah katil isterinya di hospital.

Surat tersebut berbunyi begini : "Sayang!Jika disebabkan suara aku mencintai mu... sekarang bolehkah engkau bersuara? Tidak! Oleh itu aku tidak boleh mencintai mu. Jika disebabkan kasih sayang dan ingatan aku mencintai mu...sekarang bolehkah engkau menunjukkannya? Tidak! Oleh itu aku tidak boleh mencintai mu.Jika disebabkan senyuman aku mencintai mu... sekarang bolehkah engkau tersenyum? Tidak! Oleh itu aku tidak boleh mencintai mu.Jika disebabkan setiap langkah aku mencintai mu.... sekarang bolehkah engkau melangkah? Tidak! Oleh itu aku tidak boleh mencintai mu. Jika cinta memerlukan sebabnya, seperti sekarang. Aku tidak mempunyai sebab mencintai mu lagi. Adakah cinta memerlukan sebab? Tidak! Aku masih mencintai mu dulu, kini, selamanya dan cinta tidak perlu ada sebab. Kadangkala perkara tercantik dan terbaik di dunia tidak boleh dilihat, dipegang. Namun begitu... ia boleh dirasai dalam hati."

::Written by Faisal
::10:18 p.m,
::Saturday,April 17, 2009

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Salah Percaturan?

Kali pertama aku masuk Univesiti ni dulu,aku dah ada rancangan hidup aku sendiri. Dan aku tersangat la yakin yang rancangan tu akan berjaya.

Tapi makin lama aku belajar kat sini, aku mula nampak yang rancangan hidup aku tu makin tak menjadi.

Tapi yang paling malang aku tak buat pun pelan kedua dan ketiga.
Kalau ada back up dah tentu aku tak jadi macam ni.

Sekarang pada usia 23 tahun(dah tu la), aku dah sediakan beberapa pelan masa depan untuk tempoh lima tahun akan datang. Kalau aku gagal pelan A, aku akan proceed ke pelan B dan seterusnya.

Tapi tak pasti lagi pelan yang mana satu harus diikut dulu.Ianya bergantung kepada keadaan

It just a matter of time...

::Written by Faisal
::7:32 p.m, Sebelum solat..
::Saturday,April 16, 2009

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Happy Birthday ya Faisal

As Salaamu‘alaykum to all,

I just want to wishes happy birthday to myself(tak tau malu ke wish kat diri sendiri?he..he..)

11 April 2009- 23 years old

Thanks Allah for give me chance to live in this world.......
i hope You will always guide in my journey to the future.........

p/s:i;m not sleeping tonight. Reason, studying for final exam on sunday. B Control....huuuhh, tough...

::Written by Faisal
::4:30 p.m
::Saturday,April 11, 2009

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The Story of Iman Bukhaaree and his Priceless Knowledge

As Salaamu‘alaykum and peace to all,

For this entry, I brought to you the story of Iman Bukhari ,a well known muslim scholars who authoring the hadith collection named Sahih Bukhari, a collection which Sunnis regard as the most authentic (Arabic: Sahih) of all hadith compilations and it is a most authentic book after the Qur'an.

Here is the story

In Al-Fawaaid Ad-Daraaree, Al-‘Ajloonee related that Imam Bukhaaree (may Allah have mercy on him) once travelled by boat on a journey to seek out knowledge and that he had taken with him one thousand dinars. One of his fellow travelers ingratiated himself with Iman Bukhaaree , outwardly showing him love and admiration. During the sea voyage, the man often made it a point to sit in his company. On the long journeys, friendships develop faster than normal, and during the course of the time they spent together, Imam Bukhaaree informed the man that he had one thousand dirhams with him.

The morning after Imam Bukhaaree spoke about the money, the man woke up and began to cry,scream,rip his clothing apart , and slap his own face ,as I he had just been afflicted with a great loss. His fellow shipmates asked him what was wrong and he refused to answer at first, as if he was still in the state of shock and could not bring himself to speak about his situation.

After they continually insisted that he tell them what the matter was with him, he finally said,

“ I had a bag that contained one thousand dirhams ,and I lost it”.

The crewman who was in charge of the ship began to search for the passengers. One by one everyone was being searched, and upon realizing what was happening, Imam Bukhaaree, making sure that no one was looking, threw his bag of money over the side of the ship. When it was his turn to be searched, nothing was found. When the entire ship and all of its passengers were searched, and when no bag of money was found, those authority on the ship went back to the man who made up the story and chastised him for making a false claim and for putting them through so much trouble. As soon as the ship finally reached shore, the passengers began to disembark.

Meanwhile, Iman Bukhaaree’s old friend went to him and asked him what he had done with the bag of money.

“ I threw it into the sea,” Imam Bukhaaree said.

“ And you are patiently accepting the fact that you have just lost such a huge amount of money ?” the man asked.

“O ignorant one,” Imam Bukhaaree said,

” do you not know that I have spent my entire life gathering the Ahadeeth of messenger (PBUH) and the world now acknowledges my trustworthiness. Would it then have been befitting for me to subject myself to the accusation of theft? And shall I lose the precious pearl (i.e., my knowledge and achievement as a scholar) that I have earned over a lifetime over a limited numbers of dinars?”

A lesson from this story is that, knowledge is not equal with the money or anything else in this world. Knowledge, if we acquired for sake of it can shape our attitudes and akhlaqs like what happen during the time of muslim scholars.

Some of us might wonder how can Iman Bukhari become so great, perhaps this one of the answer;

Orang bertanya kepada Ayah Imam Syafie tentang bagaimana boleh mendapat Imam Syafie yang faqih dan bijak sejak dari zaman mudanya lagi. Apa rahsianya? Jawab Ayah Imam Syafie ” Aku mendidik Syafie sejak aku belum berkahwin lagi (bermula semasa memilih calon Isteri - Ibu kepada Syafie) “

p/s:picture from wikepedia.com
p/s:Extracted from the biography of Imam Bukhaaree, compiled by Salaahud-Deen ibn ‘Alee ibn ‘ Abdul Maoujud, and translated by Faisal Shaafeeq.

::Written by Faisal
::2:55 p.m
::Wednesday,April 08, 2009