Thursday, December 31, 2015

Happy New Year 2016!!! Is that So Important to Celebrate?

Assalamualaikum and hi all,

Dates always play important role in our lives. After all, it’s represent the passing of time and the milestones in its own way.
Ya, a milestone!!!

Just look at to yourself. How far you have move till now. Stand in front of mirror and look to your pictures when you were young, at school, university or at the time you are still single. Of course, you physical appearance had changed, maybe look like Hollywood actor in your favorite movies or if you are girl you might look like Aishwarya Rai with her beautiful eyes and hair. Whatever your physical appearances, that not really you have to bother, rather than the other changes that you have go through;- financial, emotional, mental as well as maturity that you’ve acquired through your experiences.

Because of that, we always celebrate the important date such as achievement, birthday, wedding anniversary, new year, Aidilfitri, Thaipusam, Mother’s day, Father’s day and any other date that signify it’s important to our life. In fact, Malaysia is amongst the countries that have many public holidays, no wonder due to the fact that it’s comprises many races and every race’s festival should be celebrate.

Most of people regardless of race and religion looking forward a New Year to effect of personal change, due to the fact New Year is always be consider as stating point of new things. New year is the chance to left all the bad memories and start new year with fresh life.  People started to think what they want in next year, anxiously come up with plan to make their dream come true. The spirit is booming though the road to in next year might have same obstacles as this year.

Anyway, this the rights approach of life. We have to move to be a better person. But the change is not easy as going to Dataran Merdeka and celebrates for the coming New Year with the hope of the coming year will be more preposterous year. The fact is nothing will change overnight. You still wake up in 1st January and perhaps carry same problems as you have in 31 December 2011. You still have to face the same bos, colleague and people around. Nothing will change overnight. If that so, why we have to much bother for new year!!!. Right? ermm...

The fact is nothing will change by themselves. You can’t just simply sit and doing nothing about them, simply because it’s all depend on our free will. It’s start with realization that something has to change, dept analysis of the situation and the action need to be take to achieve the resolution. It’s also with realization that it’s going to be hard and long journey. Like other journey, it will lead you somewhere as long as you have your destination right even the first step might be slow and tough.

But just try to look at this way. Any day is a good day to change our life without having to wait a meaningful date to come. If that the way we life, then we could just wasting our time. At any time you realizes that something wrong with your life, take action to change. Do not wait until a certain time. The fact is how many people actually who consistently have spirit to work for the thing they dreams in the beginning of New Year? The fact is most people are stumble upon in the middle of year or loss concentrate to make dream into reality when a challenge comes.

Anyway, Happy New Year and keep improve your life. 

The Malay Reserve
31 December 2015
11:55 pm

Friday, December 25, 2015

Random Post 2

Assalamualaikum All,

1. I've started working with new company since 2 months ago. Small company but a lot things I can learn here. Been here for almost two months, I am looking ahead to work here for long time. Good environment and friendly people.

2. Joined ERT training few weeks ago under BOMBA. I am a part of ERT Team. 3 days training. I bit tired but it refreshed back things that l learn last years regarding emergency response, fire extinguisher, fire prevention etc.

3. Alor Setar Half Marathon and Tuba Trial Run - two events that I am looking forward to participate next year. I should get ready by now.

That's all.
The Malay Reserve 
25 December 2015 - Friday
12:26 pm

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Random Post

Assalamualaikum and hi all,

I'm again. I don't have specific title for today. Just to update few things that I'm currently doing.

1. I start recording my own video. Not every day, but only when I feel necessary. The purpose is motivated myself. I've a lot to say but since nobody besides me, so I say it in front of camera. It's like releasing something that I have deep down in my heart. I might share some videos here if I feel necessary and if it can motivate other people.

2. I currently reading the book title The Death of Money, by James Rickards. This book explain the global monetary system aka fiat money. I'm halfway finish this book and it look like this book providing me the answers for some the questions that I have in my mind for long time. Insya-Allah, I will write my review on this book if time permit.

3. I start thinking to do the investment in gold. I wanna but gold and keep by myself. This is not investment on paper/electronic paper. This long term investment where I constantly but gold every month and keep myself. When I need instant money, then I can just go to Ar-Rahnu for exchange.

4. I will turn 30 next year. People keep asking when I want to get married. Some people who first time met me assume that I am a married man. ermm..nampak sangat dah tua...I personnaly don't know when I wanna get married. No Idea, no candidate, no money and I'm still looking for what I want for my life. Feel my life a quit kucar-kacir since few years. I now focus more on helping and make sure my little brothers finish their school and universities and then have work and family.

5. Marathon- I'm not joining the Penang Bridge this year due to the time constraint of training. But I'm focus on the next year with Bornea Interntional Maraton and Perlis Marathon will most likely I will participate. And most probably unable to participate for my first triathalon - Triathalon Putrajaya next year, due to many factors.

6. Need to save money for registration Tabung Haji for my mother and myself. My mother getting old and hope she will have time to go to Mecca. Bring my mother to Hajj is a gift to her for her long life struggle to raised us and give us best education. I need to keep money about Rm 3k to open the Tabung Haji account for me and my mother.

7. If you reading this, please pray for me. If you first time visitor to this blog, I just wanna say hai. My name is Faizal...and you?

The Malay Reserve
11 November 2015
10:00 pm

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Good Will Hunting


Good Will Hunting adalah sebuah filem yang diterbitkan pada tahun 1997 and dibintangi oleh Matt Damon dan Ben Affleck. Matt dan Ben memenangi Academy Awards untuk Best Writing (Original Screenplay) and Robin William memenangi Best Supporting Actor. Walaupun dah lama ada filem ni, saya hanya menonton beberapa bulan lepas. Tu pun selepas terjumpa dalam laptop adik saya yang baru pulang ke kampung untuk cuti semester.

Secara ringkasnya, filem ini menceritakan tentang seorang anak muda yang genius yang bernama Will (lakonan Matt). Dia berkerja sebagai janitor di MIT. Kebijaksaannya mula dikesan oleh Prof Gerald Lambeau (lakonan Stellan SkarsgÄrd) setelah Will secara sembunyi-sembunyi menyelesaikan soalan-soalan matematik yang disediakan Prof Gerald di chalkboard di luar kelas. Walaubagaimanapun, Prof Gerald mendapati Will seorang anak mudah yang sukar untuk dikawal dan dirunding dan memerlukan perubahan sikit untuk membantunya berjaya dengan kebijaksaan yang dia ada. Justeru, Prof Gerald meminta bantuan rakannya, Dr. Sean (lakonan Robin William) yang merupakan seorang therapists untuk membantu merubah sikap Will. Banyak perkara yang berlaku selepas Will diperkenalkan dengan Dr. Sean. Anda perlu menonton sendiri untuk mengetahuinya.

Selepas saya tengok sekali, saya ulang berkali-kali beberapa babak yang pada saya sangat menarik. Banyak babak-babak yang menyentuh perasaan terutamanya ketika Matt (Will) bercakap dengan Robin (Dr. Sean) di Tasik. Kata-kata Dr. Sean kepada Will adalah permulaan kepada perubahan Will and sedikit sebanyak merobek keegoaannya.

Ada banyak sebab yang menyebabkan saya tersentuh dengan filem ini. Antaranya, watak Will sedikit sebanyak mempunyai persamaan dengan saya. Bukanlah dari kebijaksanaan tetapi dari segi psikologi dan jati diri malah turut dari segi latar belakang. Will semasa kecilnya diabaikan oleh keluarga dan telah dijaga beberapa keluarga angkat semasa kanak-kanak dan remaja. Dia juga pernah didera oleh ayah tirinya semasa kecil. Ini menjadikan dirinya seorang yang suka menyendiri, suka memberontak dan selalu mempunyai anggapan negatif terhadap orang lain. Malah, hubungan cintanya dengan Skylar (lakonan Minnie Driver) pun berantakan kerana sikapnya yang takut diketepikan oleh Skylar sekiranya Skylar mengetahui dirinya yang sebenar.

Saya rasa bukan saya sahaja yang tersentuh malah komen-komen diinternet terhadap filem ini juga menunjukkan ramai yang terkesan dengan filem ini. Ini tidak menghairankan kerana skrip filem ini ditulis oleh Matt dan Ben berdasarkan pengalaman hidup mereka sendiri.

Kepada anda yang belum menonton lagi, boleh berbuat demikian jika berkelapangan.

Antara beberapa kata-kata dalam filem ini yang saya suka. Antaranya:

1. You’ll have bad times, but it’ll always wake you up to the good stuff you weren’t paying attention to.

2. You’ll never have that kind of relationship in a world where you’re afraid to take the first step because all you see is every negative thing 10 miles down the road.

3. You’re not perfect, sport, and let me save you the suspense: this girl you’ve met, she’s not perfect either. But the question is whether or not you’re perfect for each other.

4......You think I know the first thing about how hard your life has been, how you feel, who you are, because I read Oliver Twist? Does that encapsulate you? Personally… I don’t give a s*** about all that, because you know what, I can’t learn anything from you, I can’t read in some f*****’ book. Unless you want to talk about you, who you are. Then I’m fascinated. I’m in. But you don’t want to do that do you sport? You’re terrified of what you might say. Your move, chief.

Selamat menonton. Coollah!!!

The Malay Reserve
21 October 2015
11:48 pm

Friday, July 24, 2015

3 Tips Menjadikan Hari Anda Lebih Bahagia

1. S & S (Senyum dan Salam)

                                                                  Sumber foto: disini

Semasa saya menuntut di Universiti, satu budaya yang suka ialah senyum dan salam. Suasana kampus mengajarkan akan budaya mulia ini. Apabila saya berjalan-jalan dikampus dan bertemu dengan dengan rakan-rakan lelaki, senyum akan dilemparkan disusuli dengan salam walaupun kami tidak mengenali sesama sendiri.

Senyum merupakan sedekah yang paling mudah. Anda tak perlu keluarkan duit pun. Hanya dengan melemparkan senyuman kepada orang lain, anda boleh menyembuhkan hati yang luka.
Salam pula adalah ucapan muslim kepada muslim yang lain. Ia adalah doa, dengan membawa maksud, sejahtera  ke atas  kamu. Apabila kita selalu memberi salam kepada muslim yang lain, kita mendoalan kesejahteraan mereka dan begitu sebalikya bila mereka menjawab salam anda. Sebenarnya, kalimah salam adalah perkataan sanagt indah, malah berperanan untuk meningkatkan ukwan antara muslim.

2. Berfikiran Positif 
Hidup kita ditentukan oleh apa yang kita fikir. Malah, Tuhan merencanakan hidup kita dari apa yang kita mahukan. Kalau kita hari-hari berfikiran negatif, asyik memikirkan keburukan orang lain dan sentiasa mencari jalan menjatuhkan orang, bagaimana kita mahu maju dan bahagia dalam hidup.

Banyak contoh yang boleh kita ambil. Contohnya, kadan-kadang kita selalu mempunyai perspektif negatif kepada orang lain bila kali pertama kita lihat orang itu. Dari pakaiannya, kita sudah boleh mentafsirkan perilaku orang itu walaupun tidak pernah bersua. Tidaklah salah, namun jika berlebihan dengan tafsiran negatif, lebih baik dielakkan. Bayangkan, jika anda fikir negatif tentang seseorang, adakah dia akan berfikiran postif kepade anda. Sebenarnya, apa yang kita fikir secara semulajadinya akan menerbitkan aura-aura yang akan sampai kepada orang tersebut.

Befikiran positif dalam setiap langkah hidup kita. Kalau orang buat jahat kepada, jangan balas dengan kejahatan. Lakukan sesuatu yang baik, insya-Allha, diakhirnya dia pasti menyesal dengan tindakannya.

3. Menggembirakan Orang Lain
Hidup adalah satu interaksi  sesame manusia. Jika orang lain perlukan pertolongan anda, ringan-ringankanlah tangan asalkan pertolongan anda itu tidak memudaratkan diri sendiri. Lakukan perkara-perkara mudah yang dapat membuat orang lain gembira dan rasa mereka dihargai. Ingat, whatever goes around comes around.

Sekian, terima kasih. 

The Malay Reserve
24 July 2015
12:00 am

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Kerja sebagai Safety Personel Perlu Self-Motivated

Salam Ramadhan semua,

Dah lama rasaya saya tak tulis kat blog. Bukan apa sejak dua tiga menjak ni banyak benda nak pikir. Tak tau mana satu nak tulis.

Dah empat bulan dah saya kerja sebagai safety personal kat satu syarikat ni. Mula-mula masuk dulu agak excited juga sebab waktu tu kalut dengan audit OSHAS 18001- Occupational Safety and Health. Banyak benda yang belajar. Alhamdululilah, untuk audit OSHAS tak ada NCR, hanya few OFI ja. Tapi lepas audit, safety dah macam tak da papa kat company. Baru saya tau, seperti kebanyakan company, depa buat safety semata-mata kerana business. Ada OSHAS, senang dapat business. that's it.

Masalahnya, ada banyak perkara yang syarikat tak buat. Contohnya, Safety committee cuma ada as organisation chart. Panggil meeting ramai yang tak mai. The worst, representative of employer pun tak mai. kalau tak mai, macam mana majikan nak tau pa yang berlaku dalam syarikat dan beri komitment untuk safety.  Malah ada hari tu sorang committee member ugut saya yang kalau next meeting depa tak datang, dia pun tak mau datang..Adoi.. My manager yang incharge safety seolah-olah macam acuh tak acuh tentang safety. Cakap cukup hebat, tapi I feel dia macam tak tau sangat tentang safety. Bila saya mengadu yang ramai takmai meeting, dia senyum ja.

Sebenarnya, safety ni elemen yang penting adalah komitment company. Malah, syarikat yang terkenal dengan good safety practices, Du Pont pun ada state dalam diorang punya 10 safety principles iaitu "management is directly responsible for doing this". Tapi kalu company tak komited, memang susah sikit untuk safety person buat kerja walaupun dia betul-betul komited. Kena convincekan management dan pekerja-pekerja biasa. Masalah dengan company saya kerja, yang ketua-ketua jabatan pun tak faham safety. Jenuh nak terang. Oleh sebab tu perlu selalu self-motivated dan jangan down bila orang tak faham tentang safety. Ada pula yang kata regulations yang ada kaitan dengan safety tu semua mengusahkan dan kalau nak buat semua memang susah la nak buat kerja..Mentaliti yang macam ni nak kena buang.

As for myself, I did whatever I can for safety. Benda yang saya buat setakat ini adalah macam inspection at workplace, accident investigation, safety and health program, CSR, monthly first aid check, panggil meeting and recently SHO monthly report. 

Beberapa bulan berada disini, baru saya sedar kenapa safety practitioner dengan pengalaman tiga tahun dan ada greenbook boleh dapat gaji tinggi. Gaji tinggi setimpal dengan tanggungjawab yang dipikul. Bukan senang, kita kena jaga satu kilang atau construction site. Kerja as safety personel tak sama macam kerja lain. Kalau technician atau engineer contonhya hanya focus kepada satu-satu tempat saja. Dia tak perlu ambik tau sangat apa yang berlaku ditempat lain. Tapi safety kena faham banyak perkara, kena jaga seluruh kilang, kena nampak apa bahaya yang orang lain tak nampak. So that any accidents can be prevent.

As new in safety, I need place to learn about this. So, that't why I should find new place. Kalau dok kat sini lama-lama, tak tau apa nak jadi. Saya disini kadang-kadang kerja yang bukan safety pun saya kena buat. One more thing, saya kat sini hanya jaga safety and health. Environment and schedule waste orang lain jaga. Normally, kebanyakan company safety, health and environment combined sekali. So, I need to learn environment also. Itu juga sebab saya perlu kerja lain dengan better job scope.

It look I'm give up with this company? No,not at all...I just wanna to give myself chance to explore more exciting things. That's it. I need to learn more.

Insya-Allah, lepas raya ni saya akan ada kerja baru as SHE practitioner. Doakan.

Selamat Hari Raya!!!

The Malay Reserve
12 July 2015
09:00 am

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Wipe Your Tears

That day, a friend of mine posts a status in the popular social network, Facebook. There was nothing special about it other than makes people scared and sympathy. Like millions of people who used the Facebook as the platform to release tension, on that day, my friend used it for the same purpose, wrote on his wall that he want to commit suicide. Shortly after, she received few comments on her status, give support and advice to stay calm and not do something against the religious teaching.

As a friend, I send SMSes, reminded her to relax and read al-Quran, so that she will be stay calm and think properly. As a person who knows her a quite well, I know the reason for his disappointed that lead to that unnecessary status and I believe he will not commit suicide, but still, I worried as she might commit this sinful act.

What happened to my friend as I told above is a normal to anybody. Sometimes you feel happy, sometimes you feel sad. Whatever it is, we need a place to share. It is easy for us share our happiness to other but when it comes to sorrow or sadness, not all people are willing to be with us.

In this world, you get what you give. If you willing to help, give advice, share other’s burden, then you will received the same treat from people around you. My friend, who is well known for his friendly attitude, so  there is no wonder why people show they sympathy for his sadness.

Let me bring you a story, which I read few weeks ago. This is a story as reminder for us the importance to take care of other and for us to be cared by others. 

A mother used to ask his son what is the most important part of the body. Through the year, the son would take the guess at what he thought was the correct answer. When he was younger, he thought a sound was the very important to human being, so he said, “my ears mom”.

She said,” No, many people are deaf. But you keep thinking about it and I will ask you again soon”.
Several years passed before the mother asks his son again. This time, with the hope the answer is correct, he said,” Mom, I got the answer, sight is very important to everybody, so it must be the eyes.”

The mother glance at her son and said,” you are close too but it’s still wrong. There are many people who are blind.”

Stumped again, the son continue his quest for knowledge and over the years, the mother asked him a couple of times more and always her answer was,” No, but you are getting smarter every year, my son.”

Then last year, his grandpa died. Everybody was crying. Even his father cried. The mother looked at the son when it was they turn to say the final goodbye to grandpa. She asked,” Do you know the most important part yet, my dear son?”.

The son was shocked when she asked this now. He always thought this was the game between his and his mother.

The mother saw the confusion in his son and told, “This question is very important. It shows that you have really lived in our life. For every body part you gave me as an answer in the past, I have told you were wrong and I have given you an example why. But today is the day you need to learn this important lesson.
The she looked at him as only a mother can. He saw her eyes well up with tears. She said, “my dear, the most important body part is your shoulder.

The son asked,” is it because it holds up my head?”

She replied, “No, it is because it can hold the head of friend or a loved one when they cry. Everybody needs a shoulder to cry on some time in life, my dear. I hope that you have enough love and friend so that you will always have a shoulder to cry on when you need it.”

The moral of the story is that the most important body part is not a selfish one. It is sympathetic to the pain of others. People will forget what you said. People will forget what you did. But people will never forget how you made them feel.

Happy Ramadhan

The Malay Reserve
21 June 2015
10:39 pm