Friday, February 13, 2009

I've Been Tagged

As Salaamu‘alaykum and peace to all,

i've been tagged by my classmate, sueharun few days ago. Because of the buzy, only today, i can answered the questions.

Below is the answers for all questions. May you satisfy with it.

1.What have you been doing recently?
Thinking about my future

2.what do you think about yourself?
I always think what people think about me, whether I;m good, bad or awesome guy do you know that something is wrong with u?
When I feel tension, isolated, depress and etc

4.When did you last cry?
I’m not sure. Perhaps few weeks ago when I saw Palestinian childrens on tv. do u relax urself?
Normally by taking rest, now I’ve a new way, go to the swimming pool and swim

6.What do you want in your life now?
I want something that I’m searching for long time. But I couldn’t find it yet…

7.Do you carry an umbrella when it rains or just put up your hood?
I don’t know

8.what makes you happy?
When I get what really I want and when I see other people happy

9.what do people envy about you?
I’m not sure…

10.What's the nicest things in your inbox?
I’m not sure

11.Do you tend to make the relationship complicated?

12.Are you wearing anything borrowed from anyone?

13.What was the last movie you caught?
I forgot

14.What are you proud of?
I’m proud to to be 3m (muslim,malay and Malaysia). I;m proud of my mother too,
who working to feed and give education to me and my siblings. do u define success?
As my friends said; life is not about success but it’s about patience

16.What was the latest song u listened?
Irsyadee-Taubat Seorang Hamba, very good song I ever listen

17.Do you have any nicknames?
I used difference name in the internet such Jason,faizalislam, jfaisal, mikaeel
and a peacemaker.all these name show who I’m..

18.Who is your bestfriend?
I think I have but I don’t want to mention here. Most of the time , I befriend
with everybody. Some people misunderstood who I'm , thinking that me as a shy guy…

19.Who was the last person to make you laugh?
Not sure

20.Are you currently happy?
Not really. Every semester, since last three years, I’m searching something that
did not know, something that will bring happiness in my life.

21.Who gives you the best advise?
Not sure

22.what makes you confident?
When I read the autobiography of great people and history of the civilization such
Uthmaniyah Empire.

23.have you ever make someone sad? if yes, why?
I think so, but I don’t know why

24.Is something bugging you now?
I’m not sure

25.Who are you?
A muslim young man who always searching for happiness. In Searching of Happiness,
A Lonely Men in the Desert Island....

26. Tag 3 people to do this quiz.

::Written by Faisal
::1:20 p.m
::Friday,February 13, 2009


Setelus Hati Zinnirah said...

oh..akak ditagged eh...anyway thanx... tp akak pelik la.. nape adiknye jawapan byk not sure ek...?ekekekekeke..

A Peacemaker said...

entah la kak..
mungkin sebab nk cepat, tak nak la fikir dalam2 sangat

Anonymous said...

tq =)6questions, u were not sure bout it...byknyer...hehe...

"I want something that I’m searching for long time. But I couldn’t find it yet…"-this remind me of my first blog...zaman paleolitik dulu..the title was "pencarian itu...akankah berakhir" smpi skrg pun tk jmp2 jgk.huhu..

y jason? and mikael?

-Some people misunderstood who I'm , thinking that me as a shy guy…
really? --tktau la kot.hehe.

btw, tq. gud luck xm isnin ni =)

A Peacemaker said...

saya bukan saja mencari sesuatu yg belum saya dapat, tapi juga mencari sesuatu yg telah hilang dari saya...

ya Allah..jika ditakdirkan aku tk menjumpai apa yg aku cari, aku pinta agar Kau tetapkn imanku di jalanMu ya Allah..kerna kadang2 aku betul takut kalau2 aku tergelincir dari landasanMu..

why Jason?..erm.entahla..saja2 kot..
why mikaeel? sbnrnya semasa nk guna nama ni, ada isu michael jackson dh masuk islam..dan dia tukar nama ke Mikaeel..tu yg guna nama tu....

i;m not just keep quiet...

en_me said...

u should put a link to the names u tagged, so people would know which person u r referring to..

anyway thanx bro, singgah2 jenguk2 komen2 blog me yg ittewww.. moga2 kiterr leh jadikks rakan siber yg baik2 ghitewww..

A Peacemaker said...

to en_me
mmang saya nk letak link kat nama2 tu, tapi tak leh la plak..
thanks for visiting my blog..
