Often times, people get angry to you. Be in workplace, in lectures and whatever circumstances in your life, you must know what to do, so that you won't be trap in the same angry situation. In fact, some people say if you want to know whether the person good or not, look at time when he/she get angry:-either if they can manage to stay calm and avoid more conflict.
As young man I used to get angry. But over the time I've better control of myself and I hope that I will become much better and better. How I do that? There are a lot of ways you can do. Here is some tips that might be useful to you too:-
1. Doa - Pray to Allah that you have much better control of yourself in the time of anger. The excessive anger is from my point of view is shaytan. When we get angry, we lost of control of our mind. And when this happen, shyaitan will play it's role to create conflict with the people you angry with.
2. Philosophically and physiologically - I love philosophy because it's make me think. Some of the wisdom words can be very useful in avoiding from feel much pain of the other cruel words and avoiding us from getting angry to the people.
I love the Rumi words
"Raise your words, not voice. It is rain that grows flowers, not thunder."
It gives reflection that using the appropriate words in facing tense situation in much better that raise your voice in the time of angry. This certainly true. People get more touch with words rather than when you using the high tone voice with bad words which indicated that you are angry.
When I was in university, I've Professor who never get angry with anyone. Instead, he used words to indicated that he is unsatisfied with his students. No need to raise his voice, enough with the words. But still the message can reach to his students.
3. What He/She Said and How He/She Said - When your boss, friends, siblings or parents get anger towards you, you have to notice two things:- firstly, why he/she get anger and how he/she deliver his/her angry. The first one should be take consideration to you as is the caused of the anger. However, the later, if the person get anger to you by using bad words and angry face impression, you probably have to neglect it. Most people when facing this situation are taking the later much attention which result in getting angry to that person. Remain calm and look to the message of the angry person. Know why he/she get angry and try to solve the situation.
Hope that tips work for you.
The Malay Reserve
02 April 2015
11:22 PM
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