My mind is cloudy
My soul is empty
My heart is broken
My life is in chaos
My faith is shaken
My motivation is down
The road that I’m going through is stick
The mountain that I’m climb is high
I walk on the lonely road
No one standing by my side
No one to hold
Sometimes, I’m afraid of myself
Afraid if I’m loss my life
Loss what I’ve before
At the moment where my dreams
Still in the sky
Far away to reach
Far away from my hand to grab
When the life's storm swept my life
I'm there alone
No one in front to hold me
No one at the back to support me
No one in my left and right
To bring me back to normal
After all, I'm the one who resist the storm
When I won, I thanks to Allah
For give me strength
To face the reality of life
But sometimes I'm failed
Slip to the wrong direction
Slip to same hole that I've slipped before
Doing the same mistake again and again
At that moment
I ask Allah's repentance
By only His mercy and blessing
I can succeed in the world and hereafter
Trouble...I’m really in trouble
Then, what should I do?
I just need keep in my mind that
In what ever I do
Where ever I go
Allah is always with me
Even more closer than my veins
And I will never walk alone
In the name of Allah
The most beneficent
The most merciful
The most deserving of all praise
I pray for better days....
May the future bring the brightest day in my life..insya-Allah
::Written by Faisal
::12:24 p.m
::Monday,February 02, 2009
peh...ko menulis poem ek...bgs2...
to manueng..
ntah la...lebih kurang kot..
ha..amacam ada bakat tak jadi penulis?
tq for d comment
ade bakat...
keep up=)
insyaAllah :)
not all things go as smooth as we want it to be, bcos HE wants us to use those times to rmmba HIM.
x gitu? :)
erm... bagusnye poem ni..
tak sangka ek stdnt engineering leh tulis poem mcm bdk benl..ehehehe...
keep it up fren!
to primcess nur..
betul tu..setiap yg terjadi pasti ada sebab n itself is difficult, but sometime it;s become more difficult when u realize that nobody behind u, u doing everythng by yourslf...for sure Allah is always with us...but as human, we need people also to suprt us n show us especially if we are movng in d wrong direction...which is sometimes i think i don;t have(realy?, i dun know..hopefully im wrong)
to nuyui...
ye ke ni macam poem..?
kalu budak benl yg buat tentu hebat kan..?
tq for d comment..
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