Wednesday, August 6, 2008


As Salaamu 'alaykum and peace to all,

i just finish my class this evening. saya rasa betul2 tired.semalam, i got the message from my sister informed me that my mother has been hospitalized coz of accident. i really surprised and worried. I can't sleep last night. Even in the classes today, i cannot concentrate at all. Everthing went wrong. Started form biseparation, environment, genetic eng and GEN, all the lectures today like useless. Even though my body in the class, my mind was somewhere else,to my kampung.thinking about what will happen to my mother. even my uncle told me that her injuries is not serious and she will be released from hospital in 2 or 3 days coming, but i still worried since my mother already old.

I always advised my mother not to send my little brothers to school anymore ,but and let them go to school by bicycle since they can ride it. my mother always complain to me that, she cannot do heavy work anymore like previously and always felt tired even though if she work for few minutes only . i understand that. my mother have been working hard since her teenage time until now for feed up me and my siblings. Even, without my mother effort , i'm sure i will not be able to study in this university.

now, i'm thinking to balik kampung this weekend to see my mother and also my little brothers who not be able to go to school since the accident. the motor already "rosak" coz of accident, and money need to repair it.......

i'm really fell sad now, not only because my mother , but also the behaviour of my father and my elder brother...

just started few days ago, i fell really happy with my life, some changes that i have done.... but now that happines is overshadow and vanished by have happened in my kampung..

Probably, what my GEN lecturer said is true. if u fell happy, beware coz the sadness will coming soon. And , if u fell sad, be ready coz the happiness will coming soon...happines and sadness will always come together alternately.....

That's all for this time...

Written at 6.00 pm


ayu_ana said...

sabar sahabat..ana doakan ibu faisal cpt sembuh..semua ujian ade hikmahnye..sampaikan salam ana pada ibu faisal..

A Peacemaker said...

thank u for your support...
tak tahu lagi nk balik ke tak weekend ni..
my autie cakap tk yah balik coz mak punya imjured tk serious, cuma sikit2 saja...
tapi nanti kalau balik saya kirm salam ye.....

cikEff said...

kita mahu pulang bukan kerana kecederaan org yg kita sayang series atau tidak, tetapi kerana memang kita tak mahu beliau sakit. pulanglah jika kepulangan kita boleh memberi kegembiraan pada beliau.
redha mereka, redha Allah jua ^^

A Peacemaker said...

betul tu wf.ciktim...

bila dpt tahu ibu msuk hospital, mmng risou beno..
tapi lepas tu lega sebab cuma cedera ringan je.....
tk seteruk yg saya fikirkan...

ayu_ana said...

faisal..awk baliklah..mak kite sbnrnye memerlukan perhatian dari anak2 jugak..macam kite perlukan perhatian dr mak kite..walaupun xserius tapi mak akan terharu bila kite tunjuk kite ambil berat..

Anonymous said...

sabarlah, moga diberi kekuatan berterusan..