Akal merupakan nikmat Allah yang tidak ternilai harganya. Dengan akal, manusia menjadikan ianya sebagai panduan dalam melayari hidup di atas muka bumi dan dengannya juga iman, agama dan akhlak manusia akan menjadi sempurna. Begitu banyak hadis yang menyatakan tidak sempurna akhlak, budi pekerti dan iman seseorng tanpa sempurna akalnya.
Sabda Nabi s.a.w, “ Tidak sempura kebaikan budi seseorang sebelum sempurna akalnya. Ketika itu barulah sempurna imannya. Ketika itu juga ia mampu mentaati Allah dan melawan godaan iblis dan syaitan-Riwayat Ibnu Mahbar dari ‘Amr bin Syu’ib.
Secara biologinya, proses kejadian manusia tiada bezanya dengan binatang. Benih Sperma dari air mani bergerak untuk mensenyawakan ovum(gambar).Dari banyak-banyak sperma itu, hanya satu sahaja yang akan berjaya menembusi ovum dan mensenyawakannya(sperma itulah anda).Dari situ terbentuklah satu sel baru yang akan membahagi kepada dua, empat dan seterusnya sehiggalah menjadi gumpalan sel yang dinamakan embro. Dari segumpal darah ini terbentuk pula daging dan seterusnya tulang. Kemudian tulang itu dibalut pula dengan daging sebelum terjadinya makhluk bernama manusia.
Namun, disebalik dijadikan dari air mani yang hina, Allah menganugerahkan manusia dengan akal fikiran , justeru mengangkat manusia di kedudukan yang mulia. Pun begitu, hal tersebut hanyalah benar jika akal tersebut digunakan untuk mencari keimanan, menolong agama Allah dan membentuk akhlak yang mulia. Bagi manusia yang gagal mengunakan akal untuk merenung ciptaan tuhan dan seterusnya mengabdikan diri kepada Allah, sesungguhnya mereka lebih hina dari binatang. Logiknya kerana binatang selaku makhluk Allah yang tidak mempunyai akal tidak berpeluang untuk berfikir dan memilih jalan , tidak seperti mana manusia yang mempunyai pilihan untuk memilih jalan kebaikan dengan menggunakan akal. Firman Allah;
“dan sesungguhnya Kami isikan dalam neraka jahanam itu sebahagian dari golongan jin dan manusia. Mereka terdiri dari golongan yang mempunyai hati tetapi tidak mahu menghayati ayat-ayat Allah.Mereka mempunyai mata tetapi tidak mahu melihat tanda-tanda kekuasaan Allah.Mereka mempunyai telinga tetapi tidak mahu mendengar ayat dan nasihat Allah.Mereka tidak ubah seperti binatang ternakan, bahkan lebih sesat lagi. Merekalah orang yang lalai- surah al-A’raf:179.
Didalam islam, kecerdikan tidak di ukur dengan dengan kelulusan yang dimiliki atau keputusan ujian IQ yang diperolehi. Jika itu ukurannya, maka mengapa masih ada orang yang bijak pandai tetapi terjerumus ke dalam lembah kemaksiatan?. Tetapi islam mendefinasikan kecerdikan seseorang dari segi sejauh mana dia berusaha menyelamatkan diri dari kerosakan hidup di dunia ,justeru beroleh kebahagian di akhirat.
Sabda Rasulullah, “Orang yang paling cerdik adalah orang yang sentiasa mengingati mati- Riwayat Ibnu Majah dan Ibnu Abidunya.
Dalam sabda diatas Nabi tidak menyatakan orng yang cerdik adalah orang yang kaya, ataupun berpangkat besar, mempunyai banyak ijazah tetapi sebaliknya dengan perkataan yang mudah ‘ orang yang selalu mengingati mati’
Jawapannya mudah.
Orang yang selalu mengingat mati tahu sesudah kematiannya dia akan melalui alam lain yang semestinya berlainan dengan apa yang dilaluinya di dunia ini. Jika di dunia dia disanjung dan dihormati kenalan-kenalan, berwang dan dapat memiliki apa yang dihajatinya, tetapi di alam itu semuanya itu sudah tidak berguna lagi. Apa yang dimilikinya di dunia tidak dapat menolongnya ketika berhadapan dengan malaikat-malaikat yang sedia menyoalnya atas apa yang dilakukan di dunia. Yang dibawanya hanyalah amalan-amalan mulia yang dilakukan sepanjang perjalanan hidupnya di dunia. Hanya selepas beberapa langkah ahli keluarganya pulang dari perkuburan, malaikat-malaikat mula datang untuk menjalankan perintah Allah. Jika amalannya baik, maka terlepaslah ia dari seksaan dahsyat kubur tetapi jika dia gagal menggunakan peluang hidup di dunia untuk mentaati Allah, maka alam kubur akan menjadi permulaan kepada seksaan. Ya ,permulaan , kerana di neraka nanti banyak lagi pembalasan yang akan diterimanya.
Jadi orang yang selalu mengingati mati akan sentiasa bermuhasabah dengan apa yang dilakukannya dan berusaha untuk mengelakkan diri dari melakukan perkara-perkara yang dimurkai Allah. Dia akan sentiasa melakukan kebaikan kerana dia tahu apa yang dilakukannya akan dibalas kelak oleh Allah s.w.t. Begitulah rationalnya hadis tersebut(pada pandangan saya). Sesungguhnya, mengingati mati adalah satu motivasi.
Melakukan apa yang diperintah Allah lantaran selalu mengingati mati bukan sahaja dianggap cerdik oleh Nabi s.a.w tetapi juga menambahkan akal. Sabda Nabi kepada Abu Darda’,
“Tambahlah akalmu, nescaya hampirlah kamu kepada Allah.” Abu Darda’ bertanya, “Demi ibu dan bapaku, bagaimana caranya aku mendapatnya?’. Jawab Nabi s.a.w, “ Jauhilah larangan-larangan Allah dan tunaikanlah kewajiban-kewajiban sepertimana yang difardhukan-Nya, nescaya kamu akan menjadi orng yang berakal…”-At-Tirmizi.
Jadi, gunakanlah akal semaksimum yang mungkin dalam usaha mencapai bukan sahaja kebahagiaan tetapi juga keselamatan di dunia dan akhirat. Keselamatan di dunia bermakna ketenangan jiwa, kebahagian dan redha dengan apa yang dilaluinya dan keselamatan akhirat ialah terlepas dari seksaan api neraka, dapat melalui titian sirat dengan selamat serta dapat merasai nikmat syurga. Tetapi harus diingat penggunaan akal perlu dibimbing oleh agama. Penggunaan akal sahaja tanpa bimbingan al-Quran dan hadis boleh sahaja menyesatkan seseorang. Lihat sahaja Albert Eistein, orang yang paling bijak di dunia dan Stephen Hawking, manusia cacat yang dikatakan manusia paling bijak selepas Eistein, kedua-duanya menolak untuk berTuhan(Atheist) walaupun pernah mengaku akan kewujudan Tuhan melalui kajian sains yang dijalankan mereka.Mungkin kerana angkuh akan kehebatan akal mereka dalam mempelopori bidang sains.
Tetapi jadilah seperti penceramah terkenal US,Sheikh Yusuf Estate(gambar) dan Prof Dr. Muhammad Al mahdi yang pada usia mudanya merupakan Aithest tetapi memeluk islam setelah melakukan kajian yang terperinci dan melihat kekuasaan Allah melalui al-Quran. Mereka ini adalah golongan-golongan yang telah memanfaatkan sepenuhnya penggunaan akal fikiran.
Sekadar renungan untuk diri sendiri dan anda semua.
Terima kasih ya kerana membaca.
Jumpa lagi.
:: Faisal
:: 10:36 pm
:: Sunday, June 14, 2009
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Saturday, June 6, 2009
We Share the Same Story
Again, this is my personal story.
When I was a teenager, I always consider myself as an unlucky guy. Everything around me seen to be very bad form my personal life until may academic result. I always compared my life with the other, especially the one have a better life than mine and dream how do feel if I have the same life as them. When I look a parent with their happy children, I ask myself how do i feel if I in that position. I promise to myself if one day I get married I will never let my children feel isolated, lonely as I always feel during my teenage time as a result of being ignored my father. When I received SPM result, another unlucky feeling came into my life. My hardworking study seems to be not compatible with the grad that printed in the slip. The result was no really good and not so bad, but it unable me to pursuit my studies overseas in astrophysics as I always aim to do since 16 years old.
However, as I grow up, I started to understand that there is no such thing as unlucky or lucky. Everything that we experienced must be a reason behind it and It will never happen just like that, unless if we always complain about our life. The most important thing is how we going through the life with the patience, hardworking and sincerity in completing the tests in sail to the next world. Our life should be like water in river flowing from the mountain down to the sea. On the way, it will face many difficulties that resist it movement. As the resistance become stronger, the flow also become faster. But the one who always complain and thinking his bad luck just like water in the puddle that not flows at all. After a long time, the water will dry and started to smell and not useful at all. Means, if we always complaint our life, pending for good life without doing anything for the success, we will be useless and ignored by the rest. Even though you may not succeed in pursuing your dream, perhaps the reward that you will get in hereafter much better that the reward that you will get if you success in this world.
For a quit long time, I always try to find anyone who I understand me, even not 100% understand, but at least try to listen and help my life. The one that really want to be my friend in easy and difficult time without any hope of getting advantages from me, but only sincerity in help another Muslim. Alhamdulillah, my searching is come to the end when I met someone who I never expected to be closed to me. With her white skin, softly speaking, a pair of ‘lesung pipit’ on her face and always dressing baju kuring, Kak Noni is truly a Muslim Malay girl.
Even though our friendship will come to the end when my internship is finish soon, but the time we share our story will always left a sweet memory in my life. We share the same story too, she know how do I feel when I said that I am not always like to back home. Like her who lost mother almost a year ago(i'm still have mother), the only thing that make me happy when go home is when I see my mother face and my beloved little brothers. Without them, perhaps going home will not left much meaning.
Since I know Kak Noni almost a month ago, we always share many story when we met. We like to make joke, laugh and something try to understand and advise each other regarding our problem. Honestly speaking, I feel very comfortable speak to her; tell my problems and get a very sincere advised from a woman that consider as my own sister. She never let me down and each time we met, I feel so happy.
I never to close to any woman throughout my life (except my little sister and my mother). Of course in cyberspace (YM, social network), I know some people a quit well. That’s only limited in the cyberspace, never extended to the real world. I can say that I know good people more in the cyberspace rather than in daily life, through chatting and reading their personal social network. Even one of my classmate who never speak to me in the class know myself a quit well through chatting and reading my blog, and luckily she even know the way I’m construct my sentences in the blog(I really want conversation with her). But my relationship with Kak Noni a quit different, I know her first in real world before we started to chat. Now,at least I have some one who understand me and I have a place to share my story even though I know It will not last long.
Surely, the present of Kak Noni is very meaningful for me. Hopefully, our friendship will continue even after I finish my internship and after she gets married soon………yeah…………
p/s: To Kak Noni, jangan marah saya lor..he..he...
P/s: I was thinking to stop blogging few days ago, but then come up with fresh idea what to write....weird lor...
:: Faisal
:: 4:41 pm
:: Saturday, June 06, 2009
When I was a teenager, I always consider myself as an unlucky guy. Everything around me seen to be very bad form my personal life until may academic result. I always compared my life with the other, especially the one have a better life than mine and dream how do feel if I have the same life as them. When I look a parent with their happy children, I ask myself how do i feel if I in that position. I promise to myself if one day I get married I will never let my children feel isolated, lonely as I always feel during my teenage time as a result of being ignored my father. When I received SPM result, another unlucky feeling came into my life. My hardworking study seems to be not compatible with the grad that printed in the slip. The result was no really good and not so bad, but it unable me to pursuit my studies overseas in astrophysics as I always aim to do since 16 years old.
However, as I grow up, I started to understand that there is no such thing as unlucky or lucky. Everything that we experienced must be a reason behind it and It will never happen just like that, unless if we always complain about our life. The most important thing is how we going through the life with the patience, hardworking and sincerity in completing the tests in sail to the next world. Our life should be like water in river flowing from the mountain down to the sea. On the way, it will face many difficulties that resist it movement. As the resistance become stronger, the flow also become faster. But the one who always complain and thinking his bad luck just like water in the puddle that not flows at all. After a long time, the water will dry and started to smell and not useful at all. Means, if we always complaint our life, pending for good life without doing anything for the success, we will be useless and ignored by the rest. Even though you may not succeed in pursuing your dream, perhaps the reward that you will get in hereafter much better that the reward that you will get if you success in this world.
For a quit long time, I always try to find anyone who I understand me, even not 100% understand, but at least try to listen and help my life. The one that really want to be my friend in easy and difficult time without any hope of getting advantages from me, but only sincerity in help another Muslim. Alhamdulillah, my searching is come to the end when I met someone who I never expected to be closed to me. With her white skin, softly speaking, a pair of ‘lesung pipit’ on her face and always dressing baju kuring, Kak Noni is truly a Muslim Malay girl.
Even though our friendship will come to the end when my internship is finish soon, but the time we share our story will always left a sweet memory in my life. We share the same story too, she know how do I feel when I said that I am not always like to back home. Like her who lost mother almost a year ago(i'm still have mother), the only thing that make me happy when go home is when I see my mother face and my beloved little brothers. Without them, perhaps going home will not left much meaning.
Since I know Kak Noni almost a month ago, we always share many story when we met. We like to make joke, laugh and something try to understand and advise each other regarding our problem. Honestly speaking, I feel very comfortable speak to her; tell my problems and get a very sincere advised from a woman that consider as my own sister. She never let me down and each time we met, I feel so happy.
I never to close to any woman throughout my life (except my little sister and my mother). Of course in cyberspace (YM, social network), I know some people a quit well. That’s only limited in the cyberspace, never extended to the real world. I can say that I know good people more in the cyberspace rather than in daily life, through chatting and reading their personal social network. Even one of my classmate who never speak to me in the class know myself a quit well through chatting and reading my blog, and luckily she even know the way I’m construct my sentences in the blog(I really want conversation with her). But my relationship with Kak Noni a quit different, I know her first in real world before we started to chat. Now,at least I have some one who understand me and I have a place to share my story even though I know It will not last long.
Surely, the present of Kak Noni is very meaningful for me. Hopefully, our friendship will continue even after I finish my internship and after she gets married soon………yeah…………
p/s: To Kak Noni, jangan marah saya lor..he..he...
P/s: I was thinking to stop blogging few days ago, but then come up with fresh idea what to write....weird lor...
:: Faisal
:: 4:41 pm
:: Saturday, June 06, 2009
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